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Story On a Plate - The Delicate Art of Plating Dishes (English)

Story On a Plate - The Delicate Art of Plating Dishes (English)

Autor(en): Andrea Servert Alonso-Misol Robert Klanten

Die Gestalten Verlag
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Meisterliches Food Plating macht aus einer Speise ein Fest für alle Sinne und verwandelt ein Gericht in einen wahren Augenschmaus. Story on a Plate gibt einen tiefen Einblick in dieses kulinarische Kunsthandwerk und stellt in einzelnen Kapiteln die verschiedenen Arbeitsabläufe vor: von der Auswahl des richtigen Tellers und Werkzeugs über die kunstvolle Positionierung der Speisen bis hin zur phantasievollen Dekoration. Das Buch porträtiert herausragende Köche und Plating-Künstler, die ihre Technik Schritt für Schritt erklären, und zeigt zahlreiche Kreationen, die zum Nachmachen einladen. Story on a Plate inspiriert nicht nur Profis, sondern auch ambitionierte Köche, die ihren Gerichten in der heimischen Küche den letzten Feinschliff geben möchten.

Plating—the art of presenting food on the plate—is brought to life for amateurs and pros alike, with spectacular photography and how-to's for creating a visual feast with exquisitely arranged dishes.

Delicious food lives through presentation as much as taste, and creatively displaying food on a plate can turn a great dish into an artwork. In plating, a dish of food is transformed into a feast for the senses. Playing with contrasting textures, color hues, and aromas, this is a skillful culinary art that spans global cuisine. Story On A Plate introduces world renowned chefs and food stylists who guide you through the process of plating, step by step, from main dishes and appetizers to desserts. Story On A Plate opens up this gastronomic art form for both the amateur chef at home and the pro, and allows you to imaginatively and skilfully serve your own culinary creations.

Rebecca Flint Marx is the former food editor of San Francisco Magazine and the former reporter and research editor for The Village Voice, New York, and Elle. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker online, The Wall Street Journal and The Art of Eating, resulting in the prestigious James Beard Award for Food and Culture. She is the co-author of two cookbooks, The Basque Book and The Big Gay Ice Cream Book and is based in Brooklyn today.

ISBN: 9783899559873